1.Students are advised to make good use of the school library. However, they are expected to observe all the rules and regulations of the school library.
2. No student is allowed to keep a book for more than a fort-night without permission. A student is permitted to take two books at a time, one English and one Hindi.
3. A student who loses or damages a book shall make good the loss. All library books should be returned two weeks before each examination.
4. Books, magazines, news papers etc. not approved by the school authorities should not be brought to the school.
5. Books, magazines, news papers etc. not approved by the school authorities should not be brought to the school.
7. Examination/evaluation is a joyful experience. It identifies, diagnoses, nurtures and develops the talent and creative potential of the child. It enables the parent to know the progress of their children and pay due attention to their studies at home. The process of evaluation cannot be divorced from the studies. It is a part of it.