Monday, Tuesday,Thursday, Friday |
BOYS: Chocolate , Brown Paint & Peach Color Shirt with Monogram of school. GIRLS: White & Red Check Skirt & Peach Color Shirt with monogram of school. |
Wednesday |
BOYS: White paint with white shirt with monogram of school GIRLS: White Skirt with white shirt with monogram of school |
Saturday |
BOYS: White paint with house wise T-Shirt with monogram of school GIRLS: White skirt and house wise T-Shirt with monogram of school Tie is not allowed on Saturday |
Maroon Color blazer & Sweater, with Monogram of school
GIRLS: Scoff brown colour
BOYS: Brown color Cap
Thursday, Friday,Wednesday, Saturday |
White PT shoes with plane white shocks |
Monday, Tuesday |
Black shoes with maroon shocks with white lines. |
As specified by the school.